INtroduction of the data protection reFORM to the judicial system (INFORM)

INFORM: Free e-learning programme on European data protection law

Within the framework of the EU project "INFORM",a free e-learning programme has been developed aimed specifically at persons providing legal advice or working in the judiciary. The programme is particularly suitable for those interested in data protection law at international level.


the e-learning programme provides basic knowledge in connection with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and with the so-called Police Directive (Directive 2016/680) in concise form. After reading, the programme can be used to check what has been learned by answering questions. The evaluation then takes place immediately after the answer has been given.


Included are the following modules, which are designed differently depending on the target group:

  • Preparing for the data protection reform
  • Scope of application
  • Personal data and other key concepts
  • Lawfulness of data processing
  • Principles for fair data processing
  • Data subject rights
  • Data controller rights and obligations
  • Third country data transfers and legal remedies

The Programme is available at

The current publication is created within the project “INtroduction of the data protection reFORM to the judicial system” (INFORM). The project is funded by the European Union’s Justice Programme (2014-2020) under Grant Agreement № 763866. The content of this publication represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.

Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt vom 06.03.2019 17:23

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